Our blog section contains press releases issued by LECET Southwest, original writings on projects being built by LIUNA members and their contractors and pieces on the activities of LIUNA and their affiliated offices. We also post articles written by some of our friends. Take a look at the latest.
526 New LIUNA Journeypersons Ready to Build Southern California A Record Number of Apprentices Graduate in 2016 January 18, 2017 Azusa, Calif. .–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Laborers’ Training and Retraining Trust of Southern California will graduate 526 apprentices to journeymen and journeywomen status on Saturday, January 21st. The Construction Craft Laborer Apprenticeship will graduate 507, the… Read more »
The Northern California Laborers’ Union Provides $225,000 in College Scholarships 75 Students Were Awarded Scholarships for 2016 October 18, 2016 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time PLEASANTON, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Northern California District Council of Laborers (NCDCL) awards $225,000 in college scholarships through the Northern California Laborers’ Scholarship Foundation. Now in its 25th year, this foundation has… Read more »
The Southern California Laborers’ Union Provides $207,500 in College Scholarships 81 Students Were Awarded Scholarships for 2016 October 05, 2016 10:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time EL MONTE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Southern California District Council of Laborers (SCDCL) awards scholarship money to the dependent children of Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) members in Southern California…. Read more »
Bridging the Gap SFI Builds the New Gerald Desmond Bridge The Gerald Desmond Bridge is a linchpin structure for the Port of Long Beach and Southern California. It is part of an important route, designated as a National Highway System Intermodal Connector and part of the Federal Highway Strategic Network. The structure also carries nearly… Read more »
Our transportation systems are at a crossroads. With declining revenue because of more fuel efficient vehicles, stagnant gas taxes, and fewer dollars available from state and federal governments, there aren’t enough resources to maintain or build out our local, state and federal transportation networks. And as maintenance is deferred, the costs to repair increase substantially with… Read more »